Targeted Distribution of Naloxone
Naloxone is an opioid antagonist that can quickly and safely reverse the potentially fatal effects of an opioid overdose, and our strategy was concerned with making naloxone available to all those who might need it as evidence makes clear that wider distribution and training in how and when to administer it saves lives.
It is important to ensure it is available for individuals who are most likely to encounter or witness an overdose – especially people who use drugs, first responders and care providers. The Taskforce supported relevant training around naloxone and provided kits to a range of people, including first responders and care providers including UK-leading provision through Police Scotland and the Scottish Ambulance Service as well as night shelter, hostels, and community pharmacies. We worked with our partners at Scottish Drugs Forum to develop distribution networks further. SDF were funded for a test of change to develop and support peer to peer naloxone supply by people who have experience of drug use. In its first year, peers were recruited in services across six areas including in three Glasgow prisons.
In October 2021, the Taskforce provided a response to the four nations consultation on expanding access to naloxone. You can find this here: Naloxone Consultation | Drug Deaths Taskforce
A vital part of the programme for Scotland.
How increasing access to Naloxone can help prevent drug related deaths and how the Taskforce will help achieve this.
Given the urgency and unique nature of our challenge, Scotland must lead the way in terms of ensuring wider naloxone availability and training.
Our final recommendations
Our final report was broken down into 4 chapters.
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